Our Greatest Asset


Our People

ProLearn course trainers are our greatest asset, combining expertise with their passion for teaching and commitment to excellence, they empower our learners with the tools, strategies, and confidence needed to thrive in their chosen areas of study.

Our course trainers are not just experts; they are seasoned professionals with a wealth of practical experience that they bring to every course they lead. Their depth of knowledge and real-world insights ensure that each training session is infused with value and practical application.

Our trainers have successfully navigated the challenges and complexities of their respective fields, making them invaluable sources of  guidance. When you choose our courses, you can be assured that you’re learning from the best in the field, gaining not only knowledge but also the expertise to excel.

Course Trainers


Meet Our

Mogomotsi France
Vincent Morewang
Thato Kubu
Kitso Ndlovu